At Harvest Bridge, 

We are doing much with little.

Bridging the gap between the church in the US and
South Asia, yielding a greater harvest for Christ.

At Harvest Bridge, 

We are doing much with little.

Bridging the gap between the church in the US and
South Asia, yielding a greater harvest for Christ.

At Harvest Bridge, 

We are doing much with little.

Bridging the gap between the church in the US and
South Asia, yielding a greater harvest for Christ.


We work in South Asia: a region where Christians are a tiny minority and extreme poverty is widespread. In South Asia, local Christian ministries face the greatest challenges with the fewest resources.

95% of South Asia is considered unreached with the Gospel.

There are three primary religions in South Asia: Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

In 2020, 50% of the population of South Asia were living on less than $3.20 a day, and 80% were living on less than $5.50 a day.


Mission: Harvest Bridge equips South Asian Christians to serve their communities more effectively.

Vision: With our assistance, people and communities in Asia are transformed by the love of Christ.

We partner with Asian believers who are reaching their countries and communities with the love of Christ. We come alongside men and women who have already done much with little: pastors holding church under banana trees, going door to door to pray for their neighbors of other faiths, and traveling by foot to the churches they oversee. These local believers know the needs of their own communities best – we come alongside them to accomplish even more.

We are a bridge between the Church in South Asia and the US, increasing the harvest for Christ. We are HARVEST BRIDGE.

Here are ways we join hands with our South Asian brothers and sisters:

Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship

We encourage collaboration with other ministries to cultivate accountability, teachability, church unity, and respect.

Pastor Training

Perhaps the single greatest need in the church worldwide is for trained leaders to shepherd the growing number of people coming to vital Christian faith.

Women’s Empowerment

We assist local ministries in establishing vocational programs, including job training and support for micro-enterprises.

Hope Through Education

Only 10% of the estimated 140 million orphans around the world have actually lost both parents.

Disaster Relief

We assist local ministries in establishing vocational programs, including job training and support for micro-enterprises.

Gypsy & Tribal Empowerment

One of the first ministries Harvest Bridge supported was Gypsy and Tribal Empowerment (GATE).

Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship

We encourage collaboration with other ministries to cultivate accountability, teachability, church unity, and respect.

Pastor Training

Perhaps the single greatest need in the church worldwide is for trained leaders to shepherd the growing number of people coming to vital Christian faith.

Women’s Empowerment

We assist local ministries in establishing vocational programs, including job training and support for micro-enterprises.

Hope Through Education

Only 10% of the estimated 140 million orphans around the world have actually lost both parents.

Disaster Relief

We supply financial resources through our emergency funds or grants from other organizations.

Gypsy & Tribal Empowerment

One of the first ministries Harvest Bridge supported was Gypsy and Tribal Empowerment (GATE).



India is where it all began! In South Asia’s largest country, we come alongside local leaders in 11 states and three union territories.


In this small, mostly mountainous Buddhist kingdom of less than one million people in the Himalayas, we join hands with 27 pastors and missionaries.

Andaman Islands

Although they are south of Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a union territory of India.


Bangladesh, a country bordered by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal on its southern coast, is a country rarely discussed on the world stage.

Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar, also called Burma, takes up a landmass the size of Texas, yet has nearly twice the population, with 54.8 million residents.

Nepal & Tibet

Nepal is the beautiful home of Mount Everest! It also borders Tibet, where we support ministry in the border region.


India is where it all began! In South Asia’s largest country, we come alongside local leaders in 11 states and three union territories.


In this small, mostly mountainous Buddhist kingdom of less than one million people in the Himalayas, we join hands with 27 pastors and missionaries.

Andaman Islands

Although they are south of Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a union territory of India.


Bangladesh, a country bordered by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal on its southern coast, is a country rarely discussed on the world stage.

Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar, also called Burma, takes up a landmass the size of Texas, yet has nearly twice the population, with 54.8 million residents.

Nepal & Tibet

Nepal is the beautiful home of Mount Everest! It also borders Tibet, where we support ministry in the border region.

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