In this small, mostly mountainous Buddhist kingdom of less than one million people in the Himalayas, we join hands with 27 pastors and missionaries. If Bhutan is known for anything, it may be that they are the only country in the world to officially measure national happiness. The index, known as Gross National Happiness (GNH), has a greater emphasis in the country than GDP does. However, depression and suicide are common.
The men and women we support focus on sharing the Gospel in their own villages and cities, as well as traveling to even more remote parts of the country to bear witness to Christ. There is a significant emphasis on counseling, sports ministry with young people, and drug & alcohol rehabilitation. Despite harsh pressure by the authorities aimed at limiting the growth of Christianity, our Bhutanese partners have seen many come to faith in recent years.
From 2021-2023, with HB’s support, our local partners accomplished the following and more. 22 churches and house churches were planted, more than 240 church leaders received ministry and theological training, and over 180 new believers were baptized. 750 low-income families received several weeks’ worth of emergency food supplies to sustain them during Covid lockdowns, while another 100 families were provided with monthlong emergency relief packages after their homes and livelihoods were devastated by flooding.
70 young adults attended an emerging youth leaders conference, 2,000 Bibles were distributed to believers and seekers, and one missionary and her family had their relocation costs covered after being forced to move due to persecution. Partial rental costs and scholarship support were covered for a seminary we partner with, which trains missionaries to serve throughout the country. Three oxygen concentrators were provided during the peak of the Covid crisis, and three of our leaders had their medical bills covered following a car accident.
Capital:Â Thimphu
Population: 783,000
Religion:Â Buddhist 84.3%, Hindu 11.3%, Christian 0.7%, ethnic religions and other 3.7%
Persecution Watch List Country Ranking: 36
Ministries: Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation, Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship, Pastor Training, Children’s Ministries
Leadership Information: Working amid substantial opposition, our Bhutan coordinator oversees a network of missionaries who have planted dozens of branch churches and house churches throughout the country.
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