Bangladesh, a country bordered by India on three sides and the Bay of Bengal on its southern coast, is a country rarely discussed on the world stage. However, with about 171 million people, it is the eighth-most populous country in the world, the most densely populated non-city state, and the fourth most populous Muslim country.
We come alongside 53 Bangladeshi men and women who are reaching their country with the love of Jesus. They focus on education, disaster relief, child protection, human trafficking prevention, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting – often while facing persecution for their faith.
From 2021-2023, 15 of these leaders received bicycles, two were gifted motorbikes, three received toolkits containing various helpful ministry items, and 19 were provided tablets by the Jesus Film Project for use in showing gospel videos. 1,870 Bibles were distributed to believers and seekers in communities where our partners minister. Six of our leaders were supported to launch or expand small businesses, generating additional income for their families and ministries. Four of our partners together rescued 580 people from situations where they were in danger of being trafficked. Four church buildings were constructed and are being used for worship, adult literacy courses, children’s after-school tutoring, and other community development activities.
2,370 families received winter blankets to assist them in coping with severe waves of cold weather, and another 1,432 families were provided relief packets following damaging flooding. During the Covid-19 pandemic, our partners coordinated distribution of vital food relief for 2,373 families suffering from acute food insecurity due to lockdowns. 88 church leaders and/or members of their communities received assistance with their medical bills (Covid-related and others), and 15 missionaries and their families received legal, economic, and/or protection assistance after being attacked or threatened by extremists.
22 children received monthly support, enabling them to continue living with their parents or grandparents instead of being forced by poverty into orphanages. Water tanks were installed in 10 communities, benefitting 382 families. In these three years, 51 churches and house churches were planted, 28 new church leaders were trained, and 1,613 new believers were baptized.
Capital: Dhaka
Population: 171 million
Religion: Muslim 91.0%, Hindu 8.0%, Buddhist 0.6%, Christian 0.3%, other 0.1%
Persecution Watch List Country Ranking: 24
Ministries: Pastor Training, Children’s Ministries, Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation, Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship, Economic Development
Leadership Information: Our leader in Bangladesh is the founder of a local mission organization that has planted over 30 churches and baptized more than 4,000 new followers of Jesus since 2006. He has served in leadership with several other international NGOs, gaining experience in missions and finance.
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