Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Sunday, November 6th, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). It is a day to pray for and celebrate our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for their faith.  “Often I have heard people say, ‘How good God is! We prayed that it...
The Heart Behind The Harvest

The Heart Behind The Harvest

Church planting, poverty alleviation, pastor training, disaster relief, education.  Whether you’ve been supporting Harvest Bridge for years or have just begun learning about us, you probably know we are involved in all these things. At first glance, it can...
Five Reasons

Five Reasons

Whenever we have the opportunity, Harvest Bridge seeks to partner with other established organizations on a range of projects.  For example, we work with The Voice of the Martyrs to meet the needs of our many persecuted pastors and missionaries. We’ve...
Peacemaking in Pakistan

Peacemaking in Pakistan

Pakistan. The world’s sixth most-populated nation, with nearly 200 million people.  97% of the country is Muslim, and 384 of its 394 ethno-linguistic people groups are considered unreached with the Gospel. Pakistan is one of the world’s greatest remaining...
Arrests in Nepal Mark Growing Persecution

Arrests in Nepal Mark Growing Persecution

For several months, Nepal has been debating an anti-conversion bill in Parliament. The law stipulates,  “Preaching, testifying, and counselling people for religious matter and leading them to new religion other than their forefathers’ traditions...
With Hope on the Horizon in Myanmar, Conflict Continues

With Hope on the Horizon in Myanmar, Conflict Continues

On November 8th, 2015, Myanmar (Burma) elected its first democratic government in 53 years.Myanmar gained independence from Britain in 1948. In 1962, a coup ushered in a military dictatorship, which held power until it was officially dissolved in 2010. A...
The Joy of Tusher

The Joy of Tusher

Last June, I stepped into a village in Bangladesh whose residents, until they met me, didn’t know white people existed. At the time, over 175 people from animist and Hindu backgrounds had been discipled in the Christian faith for several months, and were ready to be...
A Journey Through The Himalayas

A Journey Through The Himalayas

2 AM, southeastern Nepal. A car carrying three sleepless occupants cruises toward Kathmandu, the country’s capital. The passengers, myself and an Indian Harvest Bridge partner, had just visited church planters in Bangladesh, Bhutan and northern India, checking on...