Five Years of Tears, Joy, and Lessons

Five Years of Tears, Joy, and Lessons

I’ve grown up with the men and women Harvest Bridge comes alongside in South Asia. Much like the story of Harvest Bridge’s formation, my story of joining the mission is one that was supernaturally led by God.  The summer before enrolling at Grove...
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

“Welcome to our Paradise Island!” These words greeted me at the Colombo, Sri Lanka airport this past February, reflecting the growing optimism of the Sri Lankan people. Ten years had passed since the end of the Sri Lankan Civil War, and its war-weary people...
Preparation, Celebration, and Joy as One Body

Preparation, Celebration, and Joy as One Body

The season of Lent, a period of preparation leading up to Easter, has probably been practiced in some form since apostolic times, though it wasn’t formalized until the early fourth century. In recent years, I’ve come to appreciate Lent’s ability to assist us in...
Eden’s Children

Eden’s Children

We had entered another world – a small Bangladeshi village surrounded like an island by a sea of flooded rice paddies. Nine years ago, Santali tribal people migrated here, determined to build a better life. Although they earn less than a dollar a day working in the...
International Women’s Day 2019

International Women’s Day 2019

$540.  A couple of years ago, through a generous individual donor, Harvest Bridge gave Cing*, Lun* and Lian* $540 each. These three women have taken that and have not only created a new life for their families, but are also lifting up other women with...
Turbulent Times, Unshakable Hope

Turbulent Times, Unshakable Hope

Thank you for your prayers and support in 2018! It was a rollercoaster of a year – not only in parts of the world that tend to dominate Western news headlines, but also in the countries where Harvest Bridge operates.  Yet God is faithful; our South Asian partners...