Our annual Summer Giving Match is here! This year, two generous supporters are matching up to $45,000. That means $90,000 can be raised between now and August 6th!
When you give to Harvest Bridge, your support is used wisely and effectively in the hands of faithful men and women throughout South Asia & Myanmar. We recently received bi-annual reports from nearly 300 of our monthly supported leaders. Below we share a few of the stories and examples that demonstrate a day in the life of these brothers and sisters:

“In this duration I went to a Muslim family, but when they heard that we are Christians, coming to share the Gospel, they showed their disagreement and said bad words to me. I returned from that house, but outside of the gate I stood up and prayed for them, that the Lord would keep this family all well and steady. I didn’t know that there was a sick mother in that family who heard my prayers.
After a week I was going beside that house, and the old woman called me and invited me to the home. I entered that home again. The mother said, ‘Last week I witnessed you get the hurt from our family, and at the gate you prayed for the unknown people of this house and if anyone has sickness that the Lord may heal him or her. This is true: at that time I was so seriously sick and lying on the bed, and I heard the sound of your prayer. So, almighty Lord, He healed me as you prayed for me. So, praise the Lord.’”
Sister Raba*, age 53, Bangladesh
“In the last months, I regularly conducted evangelistic outreaches once a month and men’s fellowship every other week. I regularly conduct house fellowships twice a week and regular church service each week. During these services and meetings I was able to share the Gospel, tell my own personal testimony, and share God’s word from the Bible. I was also able to conduct a one-day Bible seminar for the youth and for people who were interested in studying the Bible in more depth.
I was quite busy in the last six months because I visited all of my fellowships that I hadn’t been able to since before Covid-19. A lot of the fellowships that I had started with only about four or five people have expanded to about 70 people, and now they have their own church hall. It was a great blessing for me to be able to see how God worked in mysterious ways.”
Brother Dhiraj*, age 38, Nepal

“We are so close to the army base, and many times we are in such danger. Sometimes when fighting was so close, after the situation calmed down, the army came down to the village and beat many people who they suspected. But till today, the Lord kept us safe from such wicked hands.
Recently, I and some of my friends conducted a Gospel outreach and shared the word of God. More than 50 people attended. Only one man is a believer among them. We taught about the beginning origin of sin. Some of them were blessed with the word of God and open to the Gospel of salvation; they were so glad to hear the Good News. More than 15 people surrendered their lives to Jesus, and they have been baptized as a testimony of their faith.
For the past two years onward, we are not free to preach and teach. Not only that, but we are not free to travel far and near as we wish. It is dangerous to reach out for the Gospel and organize people getting together because of the coup. In the midst of difficulties, I went for Gospel outreach to some of the villages to share the Good News of salvation. Praise the Lord, He blessed my ministry.”
Brother Nyunt*, age 40, Myanmar
“I am involved in various ministries like the youth fellowship and the women’s fellowship, where I preach whenever I get a chance to share God’s word. I also counsel students when they go through difficult times in their life, and help them overcome those by encouraging them with God’s word.
Recently, I have seen God working in brother Tshering’s* life. He saved him twice from difficult situations. He is a young guy, just 21 years of age, from Buddhist background. One time he was robbed and was beaten up in the Indo-Bhutan border. But by God’s Grace he was saved; nothing serious happened to him. Though there were financial loses, God saved his life. Four months later he was in a major accident where the vehicle rolled over from the mountain on his way to the capital. He was severely injured. We prayed for God’s hand on his life. God was faithful to save his life one more time and helped him to recover in a quick period of time. Now he has accepted the LORD and is becoming a fire brand youth for the LORD!
Besides [my work with youth], I serve as a part-time teacher in our seminary at the India-Bhutan border, where I teach subjects like basic Christian doctrines, children’s ministry and so on. I also serve in the local church by leading worship once every month, translating from English to Hindi or Nepali.”
Sister Shoipa*, age 26, Bhutan

All 2023 Summer Match donations postmarked on or before August 6th will be included, until our goal of $45,000 is reached. We need your help to ensure that the full amount is matched! Thank you!