Kingdom Couples

Kingdom Couples

Dear Friends, In light of Valentine’s Day, this newsletter is dedicated to the missionary couples Harvest Bridge has the privilege of partnering with.  These members of our Christian family serve Jesus together in difficult places; as couples, their ministries...
Doing Something with Nothing

Doing Something with Nothing

“It is true that we may desire much more. But let us use what we have, and God will give us more.” ~ Adoniram Judson; 19th century missionary to Myanmar (Burma) In December I had the privilege of meeting and worshiping with dozens of pastors,...
The Heart Behind The Harvest

The Heart Behind The Harvest

Church planting, poverty alleviation, pastor training, disaster relief, education.  Whether you’ve been supporting Harvest Bridge for years or have just begun learning about us, you probably know we are involved in all these things. At first glance, it can...
Nonexistent in India

Nonexistent in India

Imagine having no type of ID, not even a birth certificate. In fact, no one in your family has any kind of identification. Without this ID, you cannot go to school, be hired at a business, open a bank account, receive legal protection, or any number of...