Board of Directors
Board of

Van is an experienced pastor, author and professor at Grove City College. He has authored five books for Harvest Bridge’s pastor education programs, and he travels periodically to South Asia to teach and train local leaders.
George Van Pelt Campbell,
Ph.D. (Secretary)

Austin is a Manager in the Assurance and Advisory Group at Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a Pittsburgh, PA-based public accounting and consulting firm. He serves clients in a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, real estate, technology and nonprofits. He is passionate about bringing faithful Christian witness to the marketplace.
Austin Everett,
CPA (Treasurer)

Cliff is President of Hovis Auto Supply, Inc., a family-owned chain of auto parts stores which he runs with his brother and business partner. He serves on several boards of automotive organizations, and has received numerous awards for his contributions to the auto care industry. A graduate of Grove City College, Cliff has served at the college and its Entrepreneurship Department in various capacities. He has also played an active role in his local Boy Scout Council.
Cliff Hovis
(Board Chair)

Jieun Lee serves as a Director of Savings Group Partnership at HOPE International. In her role, she leads a team of global consultants who support missionally-aligned partners to integrate and launch savings groups. In addition to 12 years of experience in international ministry, Jieun has an M.Ed in international education policy and management from Vanderbilt, a ThM and an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary.
Jieun Lee, MDiv, M.Ed

Karen has served with the Jesus Film Project (a ministry of Cru) for over 10 years. She has traveled widely in Asia, Africa, and Europe to help record audio for new languages of the Jesus Film, and she spent a year living and teaching English in East Africa. She is currently the Intern Coordinator for JFP. In this role, she helps develop the next generation of JFP staff and interns.
Karen Tuttle

Katrina was a Director at Cardiff Software and is currently a board member of Trans-African Educational Network. She has expertise in software design, technical writing, and management.
Katrina Wolinksi, MA
Board Chairs

Harvest Bridge’s founder is Tim Mech, a retired professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at Grove City College. His specialty is social entrepreneurship, and he is passionate about alleviating suffering and extending God’s kingdom.
Dr. Timothy Mech
(Founder and former President;
Board Chair from 2009-2019)
Kim founded the natural skincare brand Rooted Beauty, which supported the launch of Harvest Bridge’s women’s empowerment program and was later acquired by Seventh Generation. As the Rooted Beauty Brand Manager, she led the brand at Seventh Generation until it was acquired by Unilever and Grove Collaborative. Currently, she is a business consultant through both the University of Pittsburgh and her private practice, Better Made Brands.
Kim Garrett (Board Chair from 2020-2022)
For privacy and safety reasons, we do not share our staff or Board’s contact information on our website. However, if you would like to speak with any of our staff or the above leaders directly, email [email protected] for their contact information.
For security reasons, names of our Asia leaders have been withheld.
Our Asia Director oversees HB’s network of partners in several countries. For over 40 years, he has helped plant dozens of churches and has led pastor training and discipleship programs throughout South Asia.
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
For security reasons, names of our Asia leaders have been withheld.
Our Asia Director oversees HB’s network of partners in several countries. For over 40 years, he has helped plant dozens of churches and has led pastor training and discipleship programs throughout South Asia.
Asia Director &
India Coordinator
Our leader in Bangladesh is the founder of a local mission organization that planted 29 churches and baptized over 3,200 new followers of Jesus in just seven years. He has served in leadership with several other international NGOs, gaining experience in program management and finance.
Working amid substantial opposition, our Bhutan coordinator leads a network of missionaries who have planted 11 branch churches and over 40 house churches throughout the country.
Our two Myanmar leaders oversee church planting teams in five regions of the country, including areas affected by long-running civil war. In addition to launching dozens of churches among unreached people groups, they have established two orphanages and an organization that advances the well-being of tribal people.
Myanmar (Burma)
The leader of our partners in Nepal and Tibet oversees a team that has planted 70 churches in Nepal and 17 underground church gatherings in Tibet. He has been a leading coordinator of disaster relief efforts, especially after the April 2015 earthquake. He also serves in leadership with a large-scale seminary program for lay church leaders, in cooperation with several mission organizations.
Nepal & Tibet