You made a lot of decisions easier for me this past month! As Executive Director, in tandem with others on my team, I am responsible for making decisions about what we can and cannot fund. With a network of over 300 local leaders throughout South Asia and Myanmar, there will always be more we can do. And more we want to do. As a relatively small organization who values doing much with little, we have to be discerning it what we say yes to. Your giving during the Summer Match has made saying yes much easier!

The people’s lives were stopped and became jobless, fish ponds are stagnant and morbid [for weeks and months]. As human beings and as Christian believers [we] want to serve the swamp sufferers, who are our new believers and their communities – providing the relief goods like commodities that will last for 2 weeks for each average with 3-4 members.”

We’re also helping them make appeals to other organizations for the remaining funds. Long-term, this guest house, along with other businesses they’ve begun, will help them be completely self-sufficient and allow them to welcome more students from rural parts of Nepal, Bhutan, and India, training them for ministry within their Buddhist communities.

Thank you for making my job easier and making these projects possible! You are an answer to prayer.
In Christ,
Executive Director