33 year-old Pastor Adam serves in eastern Myanmar. When you give to Harvest Bridge, you support him, his family, and hundreds of pastors and missionaries like him. The following is his six-month ministry report, in his own words.
The past months, my family and I are in good health, enjoy the blessings of God, and are giving thanks for all the Lord has done in my life and family. We experienced the goodness of our God in our daily living. There are many people sick, fighting here and there, many people have been killed, many houses have been burned, and many innocent people were arrested. But as for me and my family, we were kept safe and continue our ministry till today.
Thank you so much for the funds which I received; it was a great blessing for me and for my family! It is because of the great donors like you that souls are won and churches are planted in our land, without which we couldn’t accomplish what the Lord has called us to do. May God bless you all. You are always in our daily prayers.
I conducted a Bible seminar in the place where I live today and shared the love of God. I shared the love of God with N* and P* in their life, and they have come to believe in Jesus Christ. At the same time, I went to the rehab center to share the good news among the drug addicted men and women, and I shared the good news of salvation. I went to some of the houses and shared the good news, and I have seen more people open to the Gospel than in the past. People are excited to learn more about the good news in their lives. I also shared the Gospel in one of the villages in north Shan State, and shared the good news of salvation among the different tribal communities. I went to the Lisu tribal community, had fellowship with them, and shared the good news of salvation with them.
By the grace of God, I have seen 26 people accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord throughout this previous quarter. 17 people have been baptized after they believed in Jesus Christ. I have started two house churches in two villages. Praise the Lord. I have faced a lot of difficulties because I was rejected very badly by some people in the village. But the Lord still blessed me and kept me safe

What goals do you hope to accomplish for God’s Kingdom in the next 6 months?
I am planning to conduct a Bible seminar at one village.
I am planning to conduct home cell and house visitation at the villages.
I am planning to distribute gospel tracts among the Burmese community.
I am planning to conduct more personal counselling.
I am planning to have more Bible studies in the next quarter.
Please describe any persecution that you or someone in your ministry have experienced in the last 6 months, if any
One of my church members was facing persecution because of her faith in Jesus Christ. She was a Grade 9 student in the government school and her name is Maya*. Her parents were good believers and she was also born again and an active member in my church.

One day during lunch time, she was sharing about the love of God and the story of Jesus Christ with her classmates. Many of her classmates were so excited to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ.
As she was happy to share the good news, one of her classmates (a Buddhist fellow) got angry with her and reported her to the teachers. Maya was immediately called by the teachers to the office. The teachers were asking many questions, and they punished her by beating her two times. The next Sunday, she gave her testimony at our church service. She said,
“I don’t care about what they did to me. I still love them because they don’t know what they are doing. I will continue to believe in Christ and will follow Him till I die.”

Everyone in the room was clapping their hands and praising God because of her testimony. After her testimony, I read some Bible verses and prayed for her to grow in Jesus Christ.
In what ways did you see God work in the last 6 months? For example, what answers to prayer did you see?
During the past quarter, I shared the love of God among the unbelievers and shared the good news of salvation with them.
There was a woman, N*, who belongs to the Lisu tribe. I shared the good news with her family and by the grace of God, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour and Lord.
Her past life and religion is pure Lisu Animist, but she is so much interested in the love of God and salvation message in her life. I shared about the sin of mankind and the love of God with her and read many passages from the word of God.
The Lord opened her heart and she came to realize that she was a sinner. Immediately when she understood that she was a sinner, she confessed her sins before God and came to Jesus Christ. She knows the love of God and salvation message in her life.
She is one of those that heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, and one of those seeking the face of the Lord.
What are your main personal prayer requests?
Pray for myself and my family, for good health.
Pray for peace in Myanmar, and that the fighting and killing will end soon.
Pray for freedom in Myanmar.
What are your main ministry prayer requests?
Pray for more souls to be saved the next quarter.
Pray for our home cells and our Bible study to win more souls.
Pray for the believers in my mission field and my church to grow spiritually