Andaman Islands Prayer Updates

Andaman Islands


Below are the Andaman Islands prayer updates since the 1st of August 2021.

March 26th

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands Director

Urgent Prayer Request:

Ms. Khushali*, D/o Pr. Titus (one of our Missionary) is suffering from bleeding problem and going to Chennai today (26th March) for treatment. Kindly uphold her in your prayers for treatment need.

February 20th

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands Director
Prayer Request: My son’s fee of Rs. 29,750/- has to be paid before 15th March. Kindly pray for this.

Januray 23rd

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands Director

Dear beloveds,

This boy is one of North Indian Missionary, Late Pr. George (my Bible College Classmate, died due to diabetes few years ago) son suffering from sickle cell disease. Kindly pray for him and the need.
January 15th

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands Director

Pr. Yohan’s son Binny has fallen and fractured his hand. Kindly pray for his healing.

January 6th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Minutes of the meeting held on 6th Jan at Pr. Venu’s* church from 10 am to 12pm.

Members attended: Pr. Enoch*, Pr. Ram*, Pr. Venu*, Pr. Manu*, Pr. Chris*, Pr. Josiah*, Pr. James, Pr. Titus, Pr. Jonah*, Pr. Yash*, Pr. Samson*, Pr. A. Kalpesh*, Pr. Vinod*, Pr. Jacob*, due to some urgent work and far from Port Blair, others couldn’t attend.
Meeting was started with praising and thanking the Lord for His goodness by Pr. Ram* and the opening prayer by Pr. Jacob*.
Followed by song and worship by Pr. A. Kalpesh*
Intercessory prayer taken for;
Corona removal, persecution to missionaries in India, Islands tribals salvation.
Prayers taken up for HB staff and Pr. Jairaj*. All the sponsors.
Every Pastor shared their prayer request and which was prayed each one. Up to 11.15 prayers were taken.
Every pastor shared their promise words for 2022 and testimony in the ministry.
God’s message by Pr. Enoch* from the Word 1 Pet. 5:7.
Concluding prayer and benediction by Pr. Jacob* (Senior Pastor).
Meeting ended with thanks and good lunch (briyani) provided by Pr. Venu*.
All the glory to God alone!

Covid situation here also rose within three days and now 100+. How about at US, it is terrible it seems. 1 Million per day. We are praying for the healing.

Most of the cases are came from flight. More than 90% population took vaccine and Govt. started the restrictions of gathering and lockdown from 9 pm to 5 am.

December 27th: 

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Urgent Prayer Request: Mrs. Angeline’s, daughter, sister Sylvia, is admitted in hospital at Kerala for delivery. Operation fixed for 8 am today (27th December). Kindly uphold her in your prayers for good delivery.

[Later in the day]

Praise God!
God blessed with baby boy.

December 24th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Praise the Lord!
Christmas wishes and new year 2022 greeting to you and your family and all the staff of HB.
Christmas celebrations started and going on in our churches in different dates. Christmas service, some of them conduct in 24th Night and 25th Morning and in the evening.
We are all blessed through your prayers and support.
We are preparing (by fasting and prayer) to receive the new year 2022.
God bless you!

December 2nd:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Dear Beloveds,
Today (2nd Dec) we have our fellowship meeting at 9 am, for prayer and discuss the matters relating to the visit of Rev. Jairaj* in the month of Jan and also the distribution of bibles to pastors.
After the meeting, I will update.

Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December at Port Blair from 9.30 to 11.00 am. All together 13 Pastors attended. Remaining were absent due to heavy wind and rain from 1st December.

Starting prayer : Pr. Manu*
Prayer points collected and prayed, as per the details:

Pr. Yash*’s prayer request – his wife healing, parsonage wiring need, his mother’s eye operation and complete healing &, a hindu suffering from aneamia – prayed by Pr. Kalpesh*.
Pr. Josiah*’s prayer request – his son (3 years old) suffering from vomit, body weight, laziness and Christmas gospel meeting need – prayed by Pr. Manu*

Pr. Venu*’s prayer request – Healing of Bro. Darsh* from leg fracture, Br. Chandran* suffering  from urine problem and for his church construction – prayed by Pr. Josiah*
Pr. Manu*’s prayer request – his church truss and sheet need and his son’s birthday – prayed by Pr. Venu*
Pr. Jacob*’s prayer request – his church roofing work need and his ailing mother’s healing – prayed by Pr. Yash*
Pr. Kalpesh*’s prayer request – A new car and new believers coming to the church – prayed by Pr. Jacob*

Pr. Samson*’s prayer request- for his wife’s healing and Sr. Chhaya*’s deliverance from demonic bond – Prayed by Pr. Yash*
Pr. Ram*’s prayer request – plumbing work in the parsonage – prayed by Pr. Samson*
Pr. Enoch*’s prayer request – Pending case of his father’s PF matter, for church land – prayed by Grace*
Altogether prayed for;
Not affecting the people from new corona and healing of those affected.
HB staff  – good health and their ministry.
Pr. Jairaj*’s visit in the month of January.

Local pastors family, local people’s salvation, etc.
Concluding prayer and benediction by Pr. Enoch*.
Note: This month support has been transferred to the missionaries account.
Bible distribution Project – details collected from each pastor, a total of 32 including our 20 missionaries. Each pastor/church we will give 30 bibles of language (tamil, hindi, english, telugu, bengali & malayalam). We have to make order to Bible Society of India or the Bible Sellers before one month to reach Port Blair.
Kindly tell me, shall I order for Bibles.

November 10th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Dear Beloveds in Christ,
Due to cancellation of flight , Pr. Jairaj*’s tour has been postponed and the next date will be informed after the clearance from flight department. This is for your information.
Prayer request:
1) Parsonage construction for Pr. Ram* – plumbing work is pending
2) Wiring work in parsonage is pending for Pr. Yash*.
3) Church construction is going for Pr. Titus*.

October 31st:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

One of our Missionary Pastor James*’s father entered in to God’s glory today (31st October) evening. Kindly pray for the bereaved family members.

October 21st:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman

Praise the Lord dear!
Here all our missionaries are fine. Pr. Jairaj* and his wife is planning to come to Andaman for ministry from 8th to 11th Nov. A programme  has been arranged and which is given below:
Pastor Ram*: Tentative Tour Programme of  Rev. Jairaj*  to Andaman from 8th Nov. to 11th Nov.
8th Nov. – Arrival at 11 am

Evening – 4 pm – Meeting with [group] members at Delanipur
9th Nov.
Morning: Local visit
Evening: At 4pm – Discipleship Training
10th Nov.
Morning: 10am – 1pm –
Christian Ministers Seminar at [nearby Church].
Evening: Local visit
11th Nov.
Departure to Chennai

October 5th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Praise the Lord!
Minutes of the meeting held on 5th October.
Altogether 15 members were attended the meeting.
Meeting started with praise and worship.
Prayers were led by Pr. Ram.
Prayers were offered for healing of for congregants.
Prayed for the persecuted and needy pastors in Islands and India and also in other countries.
Prayed for the revival in the churches to get away from lukewarm condition in the believers.
Prayed for Pr. Jairaj* and his ministries.
Prayed for Islands tribals salvation and also Bengalies.

Meeting ended with prayer and benediction.

September 21st:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Urgent Prayer Request:

Mr. Aarav*, one of our church member, now is at [area], Tamil Nadu is admitted in Govt. Hospital,  for sugar and urinary infection. Kindly pray for his healing.

September 19th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Prayer Request:

One of our missionary Pr. Mohan*’s mother is hospitalised at [a nearby hopsital system] for treatment. Kindly uphold her healing and need.


September 18th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

One of my friend ministering at Gurgaon, near Delhi since 2007 and doing good ministry. Due to this pandemic, he is suffering for managing the school and other needs. As he has explained his ministry below. Kindly go through and pray and if God speaks.

1. Community School
My wife is running a Community Non Formal school for underprivileged and poor kids who never been to school. We had 200 registered students before locked. But now number has gone very down around 70.

We are teaching them till primary classes and after they kids can go to different school for higher education.

We take very nominal school fee like 500 to 750 ra per months. We do not take fee from Orphan and semi orphan. Many poor kids do not pay.
It is very hard to pay the building rent and Salaries to teachers. This is our rented building. It was not hard to pay rent and teachers salaries before lockdown but now it is very difficult.

We are able to reach many kids with Christ love and more than 50 families has accepted Jesus so far. We are still leading many kids parents to Christ.

2. Church

My calling is to plant churches and Equip the leaders.

Right we have two Churches and 7 House Churches.

Our Church is growing. Right now we have more than 150 Church members. We are keep evangelising new people. We have rented a Hall for Sunday Service. We are able to take care Church expenses through Tithes and offering. Many church members has learnt about giving.
They all are 1st generation Christian and they are growing in prayer and word of God.

3. Training Leaders

There is a Video base training program. God has used me to train more than 500 local leaders in different churches in different part of India.
I am praying for resources and partners to train more local leaders. God is using these local leaders to start new churches in different area.

Thank you so much for asking me about ministry. Please pray for resources and partners for ministry. God will really to great work.

Your brother in Christ

September 2nd:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

Greetings from Andaman Islands!

Here all our missionaries are fine by God’s grace. Pandemic situation is slowly going down and normalcy comes here.

August 23rd:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Here all our missionaries and other servants are fine and the covid situation is not much, it’s only 9 cases as on today. Churches were allowed to open with 50 persons in one sitting.

By the grace of the Lord, funeral of my mother went smoothly on 18th August and came back to Andaman on the 21st. Almost Rs. 40,000/- ($539.18) has come for attending and sharing in the expenditures. Since, I don’t have money, I got from known person and it has to be cleared. Kindly pray for this. Glory to God!

Parsonage work is in process and halted due to non availability funds. Pray for this.

August 21st:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Praise the Lord! Today morning (21st August) I came back to Andaman, after the funeral of my mother and seeing to all other things, as a younger son to my mother. Thank you so much for your valuable prayers and encouraging words in this grieving time.

August 19th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Thanks for your prayers! [My mother’s] funeral went smoothly and since I am the only saved person from my family, no problem made anybody. God shut their mouths. Glory to God!

August 17th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands director

 August 7th:

OBITUARY: Samara*, my mother, is expired today at 12 pm in Tamil Nadu. The funeral will be held tomorrow, the 18th of August. Tomorrow, I am going to Chennai for funeral service. Pray for this.

August 9th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Prayer Request:
Pr. Ranjit* along with his wife went to Chennai on 8th August to see his ailing mother. Kindly pray for his mother’s healing and also his travel.
Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Urgent Prayer Request: Sister Rose, Wife of Pastor Yash*, is suffering from low sugar level and under medication. Kindly uphold her in your prayers for speedy recovery.

August 6th:

Pastor Ram*, Andaman Islands

Praise the Lord!

Good news is that for Andaman is churches were allowed to open with 25 persons from 5th onwards. As of today only 4 cases are in hospital.