Introducing Our New Director of International Partnerships!

Five years ago, after living in South Asia for one year on a research fellowship, I joined Harvest Bridge full-time as its Director of International Partnerships. Much like the events that led Tim Mech and our India Director to start Harvest Bridge, my journey to the organization was marked by clear leading from the Lord.

Coming alongside the kingdom-advancing work of our Asian partners is an incredible privilege; thank you for making this work possible through your prayers and support!

When I joined Harvest Bridge, I knew graduate school was most likely in my future. This fall, I will begin a full-time Master’s program designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and effectiveness in international development, humanitarian aid and nonprofit management. When the program begins in August, I will remain with Harvest Bridge but will transition to a part-time advising role.

If you came to know about Harvest Bridge through me, I strongly encourage you to continue your support. Harvest Bridge is in excellent hands with the leadership of our Executive Director, Board, and country directors. The breadth and depth of our impact in South Asia has never been greater. 

Amid the current global crisis, our partners are on the front lines, proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed through delivery of life-saving food aid and other physically-distanced ministries.

In addition, we are thrilled to introduce our newest staff member, Dan, who will assume my role as Director of International Partnerships. Below, you will hear from Dan in his own words.

Blessings in Christ,

Andrew David, 

Director of International Partnerships

I am excited to begin this journey with you! It has been a joy to learn the ins and outs of Harvest Bridge, and to now have a hand in the incredibly meaningful work we are doing in South Asia for the Gospel. Andrew has been invaluable to Harvest Bridge, and I am so thankful that he will be pursuing further studies in this field while also staying on in an advisory role.

A quote that has stuck with me for a long time is from the great late missionary to China, Hudson Taylor. He said,

 “The great commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” 

After reading this in college, I looked for ways to get involved in world missions. In 2015, I traveled to the country of Mauritius to participate in my first extensive missions experience; this opened my eyes to God’s passion for people around the world and the global church. 

This experience confirmed a calling I had to cross-cultural ministry; I and my wife Shayla are so glad this calling is also coming to fruition now through the opportunity to work with Harvest Bridge.

In my first couple months with Harvest Bridge, I have gotten to meet our incredible Asian partners (virtually for now!), seen their rapid response to the challenges posed by COVID-19 in South Asia, learned about the effectiveness of our partnerships with other organizations – especially on persecution-related incidents and disaster relief programs – and participated in countless mission-strategy conversations.

I am excited to work with fervency and zeal for the cause. I am excited for the challenge and privilege it is to work in countries that have a tiny minority of Christians, frequent persecution, and high poverty rates. I am excited to work with our amazing partners – who already are some of the most faithful people I have ever met – and I am excited to get to know and talk to you, our faithful supporters. I pray for wisdom moving forward.

Thank you for the crucial role you play in Harvest Bridge’s ministry through your prayers and support!

In Christ,

Daniel Scott, 

Deputy Director of International Partnerships