COVID-19: Your Giving Impact

When lockdowns began in March, our local missionaries began carrying out small-scale food distributions in their communities, even before receiving additional support. As your support has grown, so too have their food relief efforts. As this work continues, below are a few updates and thank-you notes for the impact you are making along with our missionaries, in South Asia’s most vulnerable communities.

“We would like to share that this week is a very busy week for Bangladesh. By your support the COVID-19 relief program in Bangladesh has started. The distribution program will start in Rajshahi, and it will continue up to this coming Sunday, May 17th, at Satkhira and Dinajpur. So, please pray for our teams to accomplish the program as we planned.” ~ Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

With about $4200, our Bangladeshi partners are providing two weeks’ worth of food for 324 families this week – over 1600 people! Many more families will receive supplies in the weeks to come. These families are extremely poor and completely without income during the lockdown; because of their low caste, they have received no help from the government or anyone else. These food packages are saving lives. 

While waiting for a larger grant, our partners in Myanmar have been faithfully feeding families with the greatest need. 

Pastor Pan* shares, 

“Greetings in Jesus’ name! I count it my privilege to give you a brief report on the distribution of the food supplies here in Myanmar during this Covid-19 lockdown. We have got a great chance to meet the needs of our people, and they warmly welcome us. Most importantly, we could also share the Good News about Jesus Christ.

By the grace of God, our outreach effort for distributing food supplies to our people went very well. They are so happy to receive it, as they were really in need of food. Thank you for your timely help toward our people here. With $1,220 our food distribution went to 16 families, and they will have food for the next one month without worrying. Each family received a food package which included one bag of rice (50 kg), 10 kg beans, 3 kg onions, 3 kg cooking oil, and 4 kg potatoes. It was great to see their thankful hearts as they received help. Thank you so much for providing such help, especially during this struggling time.

We are meeting not only their physical needs, but also we bring the Good News about the salvation message to people here, which is the main reason we asked for this help. We prayed for them, encouraged them, and shared the salvation message with them. Many rededicated their lives to Jesus through our efforts. Through sharing the salvation message, four people have responded to the Gospel and they are ready to be baptized.

Please continue to pray for more funds to provide more food for our people here, as many are now out of food after the nearly two-month nationwide lockdown. This kind of help meets the physical needs as well as the spiritual needs.”

Also in Myanmar, Pastor Thang* says, 

“Warmest greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for all the support and help for Covid-19 relief. We were able to help 88 families, those who are desperately in need of food and help. It has been a great opportunity to share the love of God, not only by word but by action. These families are very much thankful that people who love the Lord from the States shared a portion of meal with them. 

It has been really a hard time for many people, especially in the city as most of them have been depending on their daily work, and now many people lost their work and job. Please kindly remember us in your prayer too. On behalf of our partners we all send our love and thanks to you.” 

In Pakistan, where we partner with a Christian school that employs and teaches both Muslims and Christians, the teachers delivered food to their hungry students and their families.

“On Monday we distributed food items to 21 children from 14 different families. They live in nearby villages, so the ministry staff from our children’s school hired a few motorbikes to distribute the packages door to door. The staff members conveyed to me words of gratitude from the families. The families sent a lot of prayers for those who supported them with funds. They truly needed the help at this time, as witnessed by our staff members who visited them. Thank you so much for all your prayers and love for the Pakistani people.” ~ Pastor Shazil*

Because of your support and our partners’ hard work, life-saving food distributions are taking place in vulnerable, neglected communities throughout South Asia. Thank you for continuing to stand with us as we respond by demonstrating the love of God through word and deed. 

Grateful for you,  

The Harvest Bridge team

*Names changed for safety